My List of Links

These links were last verified on December 16th, 2003

If you find bad links or you'd like to suggest some good ones, please let me know in email!

I've added some new links, my personal preferences, to the Commercial Pages section.

Search Engines and Databases
General Interest
Income Tax Assistance Online
Real Estate Info and Listings Online
Internet lifestyle pages
Online Newsfeeds, Channels and Agencies
Newspapers & Magazines
Politics and Election Sites
Web Audio sources and stations
Music Resources
SF/Fantasy and Books
Government Resources and Links
Hobbies, Entertainment, Religion etc.
Travel and Localities
Health and Medicine
Info, Reference & Database Lookups
Science Links (see also NASA under Government)
Online Job Search Resources
Investment Info Online
Immigration and Visa Information
Commercial Pages
Games, NetCams, etc.
Online Weather
Other Oddball Sites and Miscellany
My current favorite band, Superior

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Search Engines and Databases

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General Interest Pages

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Internet Lifestyle

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News Resources

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Politics, Election Sites, etc.

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Audio Sites and Feeds on the Web

  1. First, download the RealAudio player from the RealAudio home site and install it.
  2. Then, pick any of several different audio sources, stations, etc.:
    • SeismicRadio -- this is where I broadcast (as DJ-Pellaz).
    • Audionet, with many audio sources including radio stations.
    • Rebel Radio live on the Net -- the hard stuff!

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Musical Links and Pages

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SF&Fantasy, Books, etc.

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Government Resources and Links

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Hobbies, Entertainment, Religion, etc.

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Travel and Localities

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Personal Health

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Reference, Information and DB Lookups

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Commercial Pages

Run for your lives, they've taken over our pristine Net! :)

When I first started this page, commercial sites were still fairly few and far between. Now, basically everyone out there has a site or is starting one, so your best bet is to use a good webcrawler index like Alta Vista or Google and search for the company name, or for common business names try "www.(company name).com" to hunt.

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Games and online fun

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Weather Sites

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Other Oddball "Resources"

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Search Engines and Databases | General Interest | Internet lifestyle pages | U.S. Lottery Results | Sports | Online Newsfeeds, Channels and Agencies | Online Newspapers | Online Magazines | Politics and Election Sites | Web Audio sources and stations | Music Resources | SF/Fantasy and Books | Government Resources and Links | Hobbies, Entertainment, Religion, etc. | Travel and Localities | Health and Medicine | Info, Reference and DB Lookups | Science Links | Income Tax Assistance | Immigration and Visa Information | Online Job Search Resources | Investment Info Online | Commercial Pages | Games, NetCams, etc. | Online Weather | Miscellany | My current favorite band, Superior | Top of Paul's home page